Acute vs Chronic Health Effects

The exposure of our body to toxic chemical can result in acute or chronic health impacts.

Acute Health Effects

Acute health effects appear immediately or within short time after exposure. Example is exposure to high quantity of chlorine that causes immediate irritation to respiratory system and can even cause death. Acute also known as short-term can be minor, (i.e nose or throat irritation, or they could be serious, like eye damage or passing out from chemical vapors).

Point to remember: All these effects have in common is that they happen right away

Chronic Health Effects

Chronic health effects are long term effects that persist for months or years, and sometimes span lifetime. Chronic health effects occur as a result of exposure to lower levels of substances for long periods of time. These effects may take years to show up. Chronic health effects are caused by regular exposure to a harmful
substance over a long period of time. These effects are usually permanent.

Some chemical substances might cause both acute and chronic health effects. As an example, breathing solvent vapors might make the person dizzy instantly (an acute effect). However, breathing the same vapours for longer periods of time will eventually cause liver damage which is a chronic effect.

Sources/Further Reading


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