3 Reasons to Manage Health and Safety at Work

Workplace health and safety is about managing risks to protect workers at workplace. Good health and safety management is characterised by strong leadership involving workers at all levels including managers, site workers, suppliers, contractors and customers. Health and safety should be managed primarily because of three reasons.

Moral Reason – Humanitarian grounds

It is morally right and moral responsibility of organization to ensure your workers return home safe and healthy at the end of every working day.

Legal Reason – In order to avoid legal prosecution

In most countries throughout the globe, health and safety legislation is criminal law and employer is legally obliged to comply with it. Legal breaches or violations can result in prosecution, fines and even imprisonment of senior executives.

Financial Reason – To avoid direct and indirect losses

Whenever an accident happens, it can result in a number of direct and indirect losses. Any accident in the workplace will have financial impacts. These impacts can either be direct or indirect. In order to avoid these losses health and safety should be maintained on site.

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